PR, Content, & UGC

I would like to give you all my email address associated with this blog. Also, I have been offered products to review quite a few times in the past. I'm quite willing to try your product and will happily review it on here and make content for you through UGC or my social media channels. Thank you to those companies who have already shown interest and that I have worked with in the past 17 years! It means a lot to me that you have found my blog and found me worthy enough to work with. I look forward to doing so again in the future!

I will provide honest feedback in my reviews. If I don't like the product, I will say that. If I like it, I will say that. It's that simple. If you're just looking for someone to say they love it even if they don't, I'm not your girl. I will not accept money to be forced into a positive review.

Also, please do not contact me for just a link post. I will not put your company's link in a post on Fashionable Heart unless I have visited your site and/or used your products and worked with you to provide the content and those links. If you contact me and do not include which company or brand you work for, I will not respond. I like to know upfront who I am sending an email response to and I will do research before doing so.

Please email me for further information and if you wish to see my media kit (in rough draft mode, at the moment) . I can be reached here. Thanks so much! Let's create and make magic together! 🌟

content portfolio, ugc, content creator, blogger, fashionable heart, wendy banner, dog, beauty, lifestyle, fashion

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