I'm not one that finds joy in shopping in stores right now (don't ask me about my current online shopping habit 😅), as the pandemic continues. I cannot wait for the Canadian Bath & Body Works retail site to launch later this year! For now, I popped in for the first time since last year. I go to a further out location that does not get as much foot traffic and first thing in the morning on a weekday to avoid shopping with any crowd and to ease my mind. That helps my anxiety a great deal!
I wanted one of the Halloween candle holders, but no such luck! Everyone and their cousins pounced on them so quickly. Haha! I did take advantage of their soap and hand gel deals, because we are still going through these like crazy. I think my two most used phrases out of my mouth are now, "Do you have your mask?" and "Remember to wash your hands or use hand gel!". Here's what I picked up to get us through this fall!
The main reason I went was to stock up on soaps. We have three sinks, so I keep a few ready to go. I picked out two of the Halloween scents for our two sinks downstairs for a little festive flair. In that same regard, I grabbed this pumpkin soap holder. I'm trying to add a few more fall and Halloween decor items, because we don't have that much in storage. Most of our seasonal decor is Christmas, because I can't be stopped. I picked up three new autumnal scents, which I think makes it pretty apparent that fall is all things pumpkin and apple to me. I can't wait to put everything out and cozy up our place. Starbucks is pulling out the pumpkin spice next week, so I view that as fair game to start enjoying my favorite season a little early!
We go through these fast, but I also like to have a lot on hand to throw into purses, pockets, the car, etc. I always carried these prior to the pandemic, so this is nothing new to me. I keep them by the door to grab and go, along with our masks. I picked up the pretty glittery rose gold holder, but it is an absolute pain the butt to get that thing looped around anything. Now I remember why my other holder has a clip! When we went into the store, they used a hand spray and that was new to me. They only had a few scents, so I grabbed Champagne Toast because it was my favorite of the selection. I think I still prefer the gel, to be honest. I feel like I might miss a spot with the spray. I always feel that way with spray sunscreens, as well.
And that's it! I'm glad to be stocked up and now to wait for the launch of the online shop. It's about time! I wish they could have done it earlier in the pandemic. I'm so excited about it finally being an option! Have you bought anything from Bath & Body Works recently? Did you get your hands on one of the coveted candle stands? I hope you have a great weekend!

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