Wow, I think the last Instamonth was actually January's. So I guess I'll just skip right over February. Oops! 😜 I just have to hope my perfectionism takes a backseat on that one and I can let the oversight go. It's just been a really loooooong year and I'll chalk it up to that.
So here are some highlights from my Instagram (@wendybanner) during March and April. I'm always down to follow back, so let's connect if we haven't. I'm going to keep this short, because it's Friday and I am so ready for the weekend. Just gonna make it more about the pictures and not the captions. I hope you have a great weekend!
1. Yves Rocher lipstick. // 2. January favorites. Wait. January faves? Shoot. You know what? I think it's March that I overlooked. Not February. Brain, do you remember how to brain? 😬 // 3. Starbucks outing. Online ordering is the best.
4. Potter books. // 5. Coffee again. Much needed. // 6. Garnier goodies.
14. Another Pink Wednesday. // 15. The shaken brown sugar oat espresso is perfect. // 16. My Indy!
Well, this post was a rollercoaster. Welcome to where my brain and emotions have been lately. I've been discombobulated at best. I know I'm not the only one! And I think it's important for you to know that you're not alone either if you're feeling this way. Thinking of you. 💗

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