If there's two things I'm a true sucker for as the holidays arrive, it's holiday decor and scents. Luckily, I got to Bath and Body Works before the next round of lockdowns began. B&BW Canada shared my Instagram picture on their account and several Canadians were upset that they couldn't go to the store and that we have no Canadian-based online retail store for them. I get it. I'd love for them to get online retail here too! Don't forget though, that most stores if not all, are allowing phone in orders for you to pick up at tht front of the store or curbside. So if you still have your eye on any of these or their other holiday offerings, it's not completely off the table as long as you live near a store location. The US online store does ship here for $9.99, but you do run the risk of paying customs. It might be worth working around one of those ways with the big after Christmas sale that is coming, if you're wanting to take advantage!
I don't get out much with the pandemic, so I timed my visit on an early weekday morning and was the second person in the store. Optimal timing on my part! And now I'm set for a while! What's your favorite holiday scent? I love the scents that center around baking like gingerbread, but I haven't met a cranberry scent I don't like yet either. Here's what I picked up!
Honestly, we're going through these and soap super fast with the pandemic. I have a mask area near our door with a spot for clean masks, used masks, and hand sanitizer to grab as you go out. I put two of these in our car in case we go out and forget one. And the little Santa hat holder was too cute to resist. I've had it clipped on my backpack or purse for any outing! I got the Frosted Coconut Snowball because of the polar bear (that's expected of me), but I can't say I love the scent. Fresh Sparkling Snow is also new to me and I'm not in love with that one either. The other four (Snowy Peach Berry, Winter Candy Apple, 'Tis the Season, and Merry Cookie) are perfect and since my husband doesn't care and isn't as picky, the other two are the main ones that he grabs.
And finally, soap. We have three sinks to buy soaps for, so I always make sure to have a few backups. At the moment, I have the Marshmallow Fireside one in our downstairs bathroom. The room is done in dark gray and black, so this bottle design fits right in. I'm so excited they made Marshmallow Fireside into a soap this year. I always get the candle and it smells identical! Merry Cookie is at my kitchen sink because it makes me think of Christmas baking. The other two are under the kitchen sink and ready to come out whenever one is empty. I'm not too picky if Christmas is over. I view Toasted Vanilla Chai and Frosted Cranberry as scents that can easily take me through winter and not just the holiday season.
Have you gotten anything from Bath and Body Works recently? I hope you're still going through hand soap and hand gel like we are. Don't get lazy about it, please! Keep those hands clean and stay safe. It's part of the battle! For everyone celebrating, I hope you have as wonderful a holiday season as possible.
I'll try to get another post or two scheduled to go up during my break, but if I don't...I'll be back in the New Year with my December favorites, 2020 favorites, and all of the things. I'll still be on social media and reading your blogs, as well. So if this is it on the blog for this year, I'll see you in 2021. I've already renewed my domain for another year, so I'm afraid you're stuck with me. 😄

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