Yesterday was a long day and night, let me tell ya. Today is looking like a repeat. I think what some of these election results have shown me is going to stick with me for a long time. I don't want to argue politics. I'm not interested in playing devil's advocate or having anyone play one with me. We all have different views and opinions. For me and my mental health, I'm better at seeing your opinion and scrolling past it, conversing a bit with you if I agree with you or know that it can be a discussion and not an argument, and moving along the majority of the time. That doesn't mean either of us are right or wrong or that either of us won or lost the argument.
I spent a greater part of the night highly emotional and had to ban myself from my phone as 2am neared or I wouldn't have stopped watching. Some behavior of people I know and don't know is sticking with me. Attacking, insulting, being snarky to someone simply because their candidate lost. I don't know...I just can't do that. I wouldn't do that. I don't want to insult a candidate for their looks, age, or whatever that has nothing to do with their political stance. I don't want to attack you, be attacked, or see others be attacked. I try my best not to treat others that way or have them feel that way.
This election is more than just politics. It's about things that have been made to be political that never should have been. It's about rights that could be stripped from other human beings. It's about not respecting everyone equally. It's about the Supreme Court. It's about those 233,000+ deaths. It's about unity over division. For me. It's about those things FOR ME.
I'm not saying everything I want to and I'm sure some will find fault with what I have said. Opinions and minds are not going to be changed by others being defensive or offensive. I'm not out to change all opinions, views, or mindsets. I'm out to grow and build upon my own and get better and do better. Actions speak louder than words and both can have consequences. I want my actions and words to show that I am an ally. I can't change a mind that doesn't want to be changed or the actions of others, but I can choose my own actions. I can be a part of the change that I wish to see. It all comes down to a person's definition of change, I suppose.
"Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time." - Ruth Bader Ginsburg
If you scrolled past all of that to get to the favorites, that's okay. They're right below, so let's get to them! I didn't realize they were so Maybelline heavy, but it's safe to say that Maybelline is among my favorite drugstore brands especially in the lip department. They just rarely get lips wrong!
Maybelline Touch of Spice Lipstick - A real beauty. I need to swatch this one for you!
Maybelline Tattoo Brow - Heck of a learning curve on this one that I am still technically working on. But when I get the application right? Holy moly, hello lasting brows!
Maybelline Lifter Gloss in Petal -These glosses! I have two now and I'm tempted for more.
Maybelline SuperStay Matte Ink in Revolutionary - I pretty much wear this formula any time I'm going out, because it is completely mask proof.
Juvia's Place Nubian 3 Palette - Absolutely stunning palette and perfection for autumn!

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