Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Small Sephora Haul ft. Blume, Pat McGrath Labs, and First Aid Beauty

I haven't bought anything from Sephora recently and I wanted to try out a new Canadian brand called Blume. Then, two other things *fell* into my cart because you know- free shipping at $50 and whatnot. 😜 I'm excited about what I got because those other two things had been on my wishlist for some time and I can finally call them mine. This is just going to be a short and sweet post showing you what I got and maybe a few first impressions, but the rest will be saved for after I've tried the products a longer time and give them a dedicated post. So here's what I got!

bblogger, bbloggers, bbloggerca, bbloggersca, canadian beauty bloggers, beauty blog, blume, stargirl face mist, pat mcgrath, mine eye ecstasy, sublime palette, first aid beauty, fab, kp scrub, bump eraser scrub, sample bag, sephora canada, sephora haul
bblogger, bbloggers, bbloggerca, bbloggersca, canadian beauty bloggers, beauty blog, blume, stargirl face mist, pat mcgrath, mine eye ecstasy, sublime palette, first aid beauty, fab, kp scrub, bump eraser scrub, sample bag, sephora canada, sephora haul, samples, burberry, her, london dream perfume, laura mercier, translucent setting powder
bblogger, bbloggers, bbloggerca, bbloggersca, canadian beauty bloggers, beauty blog, blume, stargirl face mist, pat mcgrath, mine eye ecstasy, sublime palette, first aid beauty, fab, kp scrub, bump eraser scrub, sample bag, sephora canada, sephora haul, my clarins, re-boost, benefit, porefessional, kiehls face cream, sunday riley, ceo glow, tom ford, noir perfume, amika, texturizing spray
With my order, Sephora had an offer to choose between two sample bags. It was a hard choice, but I ultimately went with this one because it had more products that intrigued me. I already have the Benefit primer and have tried the Kiehl's cream, but everything else is new to me. I'm looking forward to trying the Sunday Riley C.E.O. Glow! In the picture above this, I also got the two samples that come with every order. It used to be three, don't think I have forgotten that ,Sephora. I picked a Burberry perfume and Laura Mercier's setting powder.
bblogger, bbloggers, bbloggerca, bbloggersca, canadian beauty bloggers, beauty blog, blume, stargirl face mist, pat mcgrath, mine eye ecstasy, sublime palette, first aid beauty, fab, kp scrub, bump eraser scrub, sample bag, sephora canada, sephora haul
  • Blume Stargirl Galactic Glow Face Mist - $30 CA
    If you've been here a while, you know I love face mists. Blume is a new Canadian brand and I'm excited to try more of their line-up and share more about it all with you!
  • Pat McGrath Labs Mine Eye Ecstasy Palette in Sublime - $19 CA
    I'm glad I got this when I did, because it's not showing up on the app anymore. The sale price of this made me seal the deal. Did I have fun shaking the brains out of the bag with the sequins before opening? I absolutely did. Fun packaging!
  • First Aid Beauty Mini KP Bump Eraser Body Scrub - $13 CA
    I have the full-sized version of this on my Christmas list, but then I figured I'd try this smaller one first to see how my skin responds. It took much of my life before I knew what my skin condition was and its name and I look forward to seeing if this can help my keratosis pilaris. That is small red bumps that appear on my arms and legs and other areas and cause dry skin. It's painless, but also a pain in the you-know-what to have. If you also have it, I would love to hear what works for you!

And that's it! Can't wait to share more about these things with you in later posts. Have you gotten anything in the beauty world recently? 

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