Hi y'all! Before I dive in with the recap from my Instagram during August, I wanted to give a quick message on my blog and its longevity. Fashionable Heart turned thirteen last week on the 7th. FH is officially a teenager! So many things have happened in those years!
In 2007, this space allowed me to focus on things and topics I enjoyed and helped give me an escape as I mourned my grandmother. It has given me a voice when I've sometimes questioned having one or being heard and seen.
I just want to pat myself on the back for the day that I started this journey. I've gone through periods where I need small breaks or fewer posts, but I've never truly contemplated quitting or going on a lengthy hiatus. That's not to say it will never happen, but I feel like as long as I stay true to myself and allow the blog to grow with me, that it'll be a part of my life for years to come.
Blogging has given me some awesome experiences and brought amazing people into my life. Not just here, but the older days of Xanga, MySpace, and LiveJournal. And before those, I even had a WebTV website way back when where I shared different things about my life and favorite quotes. Some things never change. I've been in the blogging game for so long that I can't remember a lot of time before it.
And I'm happy to blog because with it, I talk about a lot of things I would have forgotten without it! Maybe I'm not as personal as I once was in my early days, but I try to strike an even ground. I am a private person who likes to selectively choose what is shared and when a more personal touch is needed. I don't want to share everything, but I don't want to be too impersonal. It's finding that balance and I hope I'm succeeding.
Thank you for supporting me whether you have been here from the start or just clicked on Fashionable Heart today. I can't thank you enough for subscribing, following, liking, commenting, working with me, and most importantly reading and listening. It all makes me feel such happiness and acceptance. Grateful and thankful are understatements. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
I might have told a fib when I said I'd make that quick. Haha! Let's get to some highlights from my Instagram during August!

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