It's been a while since I've done one of these posts. I was going to do my InstaMonth today, but I figured I'd save that for one day next week. It's Friday on a holiday weekend, so why not share a few things I've been enjoying? You can share what you've been enjoying in the comments. I'd love to know! Any book or music recommendations you'd like to share? Lemme have 'em!
September 1st just passed and any good Potterhead knows what that day is- it marks the first day back at Hogwarts! I love all of the special editions that come out, especially the illustrated and House ones. I'm glad we can still appreciate the magic that this series is and not let Rowling take away from that in recent events. One of the malls near me have set up a Harry Potter gift shop with photo ops and it was full of things I want. My wishlist grew by the mile the minute I stepped inside!
I did come out with a mug with all of the Houses on it and I still need to take a picture of it. I can't wait to go back and see what else they bring in since they said it would have rotating stock. Better yet, every House was represented so well. Usually as a Hufflepuff, I find it hard to find items for the House!
I probably don't play the game to its full potential since no one ever visits my island and I don't know all of the ins and outs. I just like getting on, decorating, and trying to collect everything. I wish I could get some apple and peach trees, though. I can't wait to see how pretty fall and winter is going to be. I love that they keep adding new things to keep the game fresh like the fireworks shows and letting us be able to dive in the water. Also, is anyone else slightly jealous of their character's wardrobe? Haha!
2020 has been so good in this category. I can just imagine how amazing albums are going to be in the next year with everyone having more free time to create.
Lady Gaga's Chromatica, The Killers Imploding the Mirage, and Taylor Swift's Folklore. Albums by all three of my faves. Yes, please! There's some recent singles out that I'm feeling right now, as well. I'm thinking it's almost time for a new playlist to share! I still need to give Katy Perry's new album a try, as well.
When I say I'm obsessed, I mean OBSESSED. I can't stop myself from craving these. We go to a place called Pita Land and they haven't gotten these salads wrong yet. I get the chicken with extra pickles, because I have never in my life said there is too many pickles on something. Except the sweet ones. Don't put those anywhere near me. Sour is what I love! Yeah, just looking at this picture makes me want another one...
It's that time of year and you can call me basic if you want. My mind is already on cardigans, pumpkins, boots, and changing leaves. Pumpkin drinks are back, fall decor is out, and the holidays are just around the corner. As soon as pumpkin coffee is in my vicinity, that's it. That's the start of fall in my mind.
For the drink above, I ordered a venti iced caramel macchiato, 4 pumps pumpkin syrup, 1 pump vanilla, and an oat milk base. Essentially, I substituted all but one of what would normally be vanilla pumps with pumpkin syrup, if you want to order a different size. It. Was. Amazing. I had a free drink on my card and I'm happy to have used it on this. I don't have a lot of sugar and carbs on most days because my body and health doesn't agree with it, but this was a nice treat!
If you're wondering, my usual order at Starbucks is either an iced Passion Tango tea or an iced coffee (or cold brew, preferably), both with a bit of heavy cream and SF vanilla syrup. I usually make my coffee (pumpkin and others) at home using syrups by Jordan's Skinny Syrups. You wouldn't even notice the difference and they have so many different options available! When I make my passion tea at home, I use their peach or strawberry watermelon syrup and it's so darn good. Very similar to the melon syrup that Starbucks used to offer!
TGIF, am I right?! I am looking forward to this holiday weekend. There are a few things I want to get done around the house, a new recipe I want to try, and a few shows to watch and clear from our PVR to make room for new fall shows when they start. There's not exactly any grandiose plans in place with a pandemic happening around us, but there are things to be said about the small things and appreciating them. I hope you all stay safe and healthy this weekend.

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