I'm here on the last Friday of this month to share some of my random favorites that have gotten me through this month. This past Sunday was my husband's birthday and I put him together a Google Slides show. I spent the month reaching out to many of our friends and loved ones to contribute whatever they wanted to be in the presentation and then editing and putting it all together. It was hard to keep my big mouth shut and even harder to edit it while he stays home. A few times he walked in on me editing and I had to quickly close the page. Haha! I took to editing before he woke up and after he went to bed after that. Good thing I'm a night owl...though the earlier mornings were brutal. He's worth it, though! Seeing his face when I hit play was all I could possibly want. It was so nice seeing what everyone sent in.
Being a quarantine birthday, I tried to make it as special for him as I could. His sister and BIL dropped off a birthday cake. He picked chicken wings and pizza for dinner and got to watch a James Bond movie of his choice (not a shocker, because that is his favorite franchise). And even getting to choose which film he wanted, he still chose my favorite (For Your Eyes Only) of the series over his own (The Man With the Golden Gun). What a fella. For gifts, he's got some new hockey books to enjoy and a new electric razor for when it comes time to shave the quarantine beard and go back to the office!
Have any of you celebrated a quarantine birthday? I'd love to know how you or your loved ones made the day special for you. I know about the birthday parades, but many of our friends and family are long-distance and I needed a way to include them!
I normally eat a lower carb diet because that's what my body likes but with what has been happening in the world outside my home, my brain doesn't some days. And that's okay. I'm not feeling guilt because I gain weight or I choose to have some bread. I never did, but society tries to make me feel that way even during a pandemic. Right now, I've been craving comfort foods. Part of that comfort comes during the making of them. I just love to roll up my sleeves and bake and cook and nothing is more fun to make than comfort food.
I worked with BBC Canada to create a dish from a handful of chefs featured on the BBC website. I chose Nigella Lawson's Turkey Meatballs in Tomato Sauce. Honestly, that was simply because I had all of the ingredients on hand and I wasn't about to make a trip to the store! These were easy to make and tasted great. This picture was before I covered them in parmesan, because cheese is life.
I shared a playlist of songs I'm listening to while staying home in my last post. That hasn't changed, though today I'll be listening to Lady Gaga's new Chromatica album. I've also been playing my Classics playlist like religion every weekend while I make us breakfast. You can find classics from the 50s to 90s on it. Nothing wrong with the 2000s and up, I just don't consider them classics yet and they have their own playlist. I take my playlist making very seriously. :) I'd probably still be making mixed CDs if Spotify wasn't a thing!
My skincare and lip care routines are so different right now. Before I did care, but my time was equally spent on putting makeup on. Now, I rarely apply makeup and I've completely adjusted my attention to fully taking care of my skin. I have been focusing on the dryness and redness. With the air conditioning coming on now, my lips are starting to dry so I've been treating them delicately. With all of the handwashing, my lotion game has stepped up a huge notch. It's just all being magnified 10x to what it was. Not to mention, I find it super calming to put a face mask on and take a hot bubble bath and take part in a lengthy skin routine. I find putting makeup on just as relaxing, but this is the nicest kind of substitute.
It sure was a struggle to finally find one of these in stock, but The Source came through for me. I had a choice between the teal or gray, but I thought I might get tired of teal. Plus, I've been seeing really cute skins and cases, so I knew I could change the look whenever I wanted if I get tired of the gray. I'm really happy I went with it! So I ordered that and then found Animal Crossing New Horizons in stock at EB Games. The game had an issue getting to me and finally a month later I was given a refund.
In that time, I purchased Stardew Valley as it was highly recommended by Amanda. After finally getting the refund for ACNH, I then purchased the digital version of it. Those two games take up so much of my time in the best possible way! I like them both for incredibly different reasons but mainly for the escape they provide. I did purchase the Nintendo membership so that I can travel to islands and have people visit, but I haven't figured out how to do it yet! And any tips you'd like to share, I'd love to hear them! If you want to add me as a friend, my code is SW-5343-1145-6529.
And finally, loungewear. I can't get enough of it! That doesn't seem that surprising when I'm spending like 99% of my time indoors. Comfort clothes, comfort food, just comfort comfort comfort. I need it like I need air. My latest H&M haul was all loungewear. I did push myself out of the loungewear bubble with a Torrid haul that I will show later, but that's also partly because the Disney Up pajamas I wanted sold out before I placed my order. LOL! I'm not the type that dresses like I'm going somewhere even if I stay home. It's not my vibe, but I know it makes other feel more productive. Which type are you?
I hope you are all staying safe and healthy!

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