Today is what my husband calls a "fake Friday" since he has tomorrow off! And even though we are both at home all day every day right now, we're still very much looking forward to a four day holiday weekend. With our routine, working hours are a good bit different from off hours and days off/holidays still feel like a renewal or reset of sorts. I think that is the most important thing about working from home - setting up a routine that works for you.
Before I delve into sharing a few highlights from my Instagram this past month, I want to touch on current events. Next week will be our fifth week of physical distancing and staying home and I really hope you're doing what you can, as well. For myself, I've been having a tough time with my emotions and anxiety. I have always been one to cry easily, but now I'm truly just crying whenever. My eyes just tear up at the smallest of things.
The hardest thing for me is being an American in Canada through this. I have many thoughts on both governments and their responses. With the border closed and self-quarantines happening, I can't get home if something happens. With family in both countries, my heart is tugging in two directions. I worry so much for my family back home. I see the number of cases and deaths rising. I think of my elderly family members like my aunt Doris who is having radiation treatments for breast cancer after having heart surgery a little over a year ago. I think of my other family and friends and hope they are taking every precaution. And well, it all just makes me feel so helpless. It's always hard having my heart in two places, but this is unlike anything I've ever experienced.
Being torn in two worried about Canada and my family and friends here and worried about the US with my family and friends there. My heart is heavy. For those of you who have battled COVID, know or have lost someone who has, face your fear to do your job each day, those of you seeing the worst parts of this pandemic in front of your own eyes. For those of you who are struggling right now with jobs, money, and your mental health. For all of us trying to find certainty in a time riddled with uncertainty.
This is why I try to find a balance on here and on my social media. This is all on my mind and heart and it weighs heavily. This is when we all need those little mental breaks. Be it posting beauty reviews or pretty pictures on Instagram, reading a book, stress baking, playing video games, yoga, taking a nap, whatever it is that will help you. We need breaks. It doesn't necessarily mean a person is taking things lightly. It means they are taking their mental health seriously. Whatever self-care measures you need to take on any given day, take them. Be sad about not seeing loved ones and canceled vacations or events. Be upset. Be scared. Be and feel whatever you need to. Your feelings are valid and they matter. If the only productivity you're seeing is survival from day to day, that's more than okay.
As this holiday weekend comes, I'm so grateful to spend the next few days with my husband and the dog. I still plan to make a big Easter dinner (with only two of us, that just means more leftovers!) and maybe watch some movies and have a game night. I've planned for a virtual Easter dinner with my husband's family. We have a group Facebook chat now and will take the hour that our dinner would have been to chat and share pictures. Still connecting, just in a different way.

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