I'm so happy we're in March! Our wedding anniversary is this month and we always enjoy a trip away. Though to be honest, I'm incredibly late in planning it this year. Hoping to get a hotel booked this week! We're looking at Traverse City, Michigan. One of our favorite shows to watch together is The Curse of Oak Island. And while going to Oak Island in Nova Scotia would be fun and a total dream of mine, just maybe not so much during the winter months.
One of the brothers on the show owns a winery in Traverse City, hence wanting to go and enjoy a tour during the off season while crossing my fingers that Marty is there. I love the story and legend of Oak Island, but I truly love the artifacts and the history behind everything they have found so far. If you're into mysteries and history, it's a captivating show! I especially enjoy watching Rick, Jack, and Gary. Anyway, enough about my love of The Curse of Oak Island. If you watch it, let me know in the comments!
I had fun with my Instagram during the month of February, making almost every picture have a tone of red or pink in it for the month of loooooove. I don't usually go down the path of color themes, but I love pink and red so this didn't feel like something forced. It was just something that is almost always in my pictures anyway. The algorithm is not my friend on most days despite trying many different methods, so I've found my best way around this is to post these little round-ups here on a domain that I own. :)

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