Tuesday, November 12, 2019

InstaMonth for October 2019

Here's what shall be known as the last full month of the year where my Instagram doesn't look like Christmas basically threw up all over it! I'll be putting up our decor next weekend, so after that it is fair game. I'm not sure I love any backdrop more than a Christmas tree! Okay...maybe my beloved marble, but those are my top two, for sure! I won't go into full Christmas mode until my Thanksgiving, but it's hard not to get into the spirit here in Canada seeing as we have already celebrated every holiday before Christmas arrives. As a matter of fact, I'm listening to Lea Michele's new Christmas album as I type this post.

I'm not going all out with our decor this year, since we are supposed to be heading to my home in SC for the holidays! I can't very well not put up at least some of my smaller items and one of our trees, so that we have them out to enjoy for the duration of the next few weeks that we are here. Are you going all out this year or taking it easy during your holiday? Going home? Taking a vacation? It's insane that we're already on the holiday conversation, isn't it?! It feels like we were all ringing in the new year.

Here are a few pictures from my Instagram during October. It was a pretty laid back month, which I am more than okay with now that the holiday rush is upon us!
bbloggers, bblogger, bbloggersca, bbloggerca, canadian beauty bloggers, beauty blog, instamonth, instagram, round up, lifestyle, benefit, cheek palette, blush bar, blush, gold rush, dandelion, hoola, rockateur, galifornia
Above image is the Benefit Blush Bar palette. I have been shopping my stash a lot lately and making sure to put forgotten products into rotation to give them the spotlight they deserve! Has anyone else been making it a point to shop their stash more?

bbloggers, bblogger, bbloggersca, bbloggerca, canadian beauty bloggers, beauty blog, instamonth, instagram, round up, lifestyle, lush, butterbear, monthly favorites, neutrogena, rapid wrinkle repair, aveeno, oat masks, pomegranate, pumpkin, toronto, american in canada, demeter, elf putty primer, essie angora cardi, rachhloves pixi palette, maybelline, superstay matte ink, pioneer
1. September faves. // 2. Fall vibes. // 3. Lush Butterbear Bath Bomb.
bbloggers, bblogger, bbloggersca, bbloggerca, canadian beauty bloggers, beauty blog, instamonth, instagram, round up, lifestyle, in my makeup bag, milani, stellar lights, soft glam palette, elf putty primer, maybelline, superstay matte ink, colourpop nillionaire, colourpop wattles, monthly favorites, starbucks, white tea, tarte, shape tape, vdl, perfect lasting foundation, bite beauty
9. Tried Starbucks white tea. Not bad! // 10. October faves.

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