It's hard to believe that today marks 15 years in Canada for me. 15 years ago, I made one of the biggest decisions I have ever made when I decided to leave everything I had ever known to come to Toronto. When the heart calls, I believe we should answer. Today's post is about how one decision changed my life and how you shouldn't be afraid to leave your comfort zone and leap into the unknown.
The first year or two was hard and full of growing pains. I was navigating a big city for the first time and while I was also in the throes of a new relationship, I also had never felt so out of place and alone in many ways. My anxiety was high and panic attacks were frequent. I felt surrounded by people that didn't know me and I put myself under a great deal of pressure. I felt outnumbered by city maps and faces that I was still trying to familiarize myself with.
I had a hard time fitting in and being the new girl for the first time in my life. How does one make friends as an adult? Not easily, I assure you. I have a small handful here now and I have never stopped loving my friends back home. Thank goodness for social media allowing multiple ways for us to stay connected. Having hobbies and a few friends here has helped immensely over the years. It's hard to stay in touch and also put yourself out there to new people, but both can be so very beneficial.
Logistically, choosing to move 14 hours away from home and to a new country was the easy part of the decision. I had yet to sow any seeds, but my husband was already established with a home and job. While part of my home life was far from perfect, it was still difficult to leave in that regard. I have many people I love and many that love me and it was not a decision I made lightly. It's still the hardest part and always will be.
Leaving familiarity for the unknown thrills some, but it terrifies me. Part of me thinks about how God's timing was right, because I was younger and hitting that point in my life where it was all about adventures and trying to take risks. Now, I look back at my past decision in awe because I have always been so cautious and thrive with routine. Young Wendy did a good thing and current Wendy is full of thanks. As a matter of fact, I'm learning from my younger self.
Taking yourself out of your comfort zone will never not teach you a life lesson. Life is about learning and growing and that just can't happen if you stay in your bubble. It's hard, but name someone who has said life is easy. I have to consciously tell myself to get outside of my routine, because it isn't that beneficial in the end. It's comfortable, but it's not giving me many stories to tell.
I know many that love me, who for a short time, questioned this specific decision. It's probably one of the first times they thought my head wasn't on right. Deep down though, I like to think they knew my judgement of character has always been spot-on, my decisions have never been made lightly, my faith is strong, and I'm not a go into something only halfway kind of girl once I've made up my mind.
So here we are, fifteen years later. That one big decision lead to where I am now. Happily married for thirteen years, good friends that my path may never have crossed with, a second family, wonderful opportunities, and a grateful heart. I'm still trying to navigate those stupid city maps, but the faces don't scare me as much anymore. I really came into who I am today and I'm more aware of what I'm capable of. The fear of "new" hasn't gone away, it just fuels me to push myself.
Sometimes decisions don't work out, but sometimes they do work out in the best ways imaginable. Life is full of small and big decisions and you are where you are now because of them! Taking risks can be scary, but weigh them out. You can still be cautious and make your pros and cons lists but if there are more pros, don't be afraid to go for it. Give yourself stories to tell and don't be afraid to fly.

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