In August, Amanda from Amanda Glow Getter was my featured blogger (who just got engaged, if you want to throw a congratulations her way!). You can read that post and see other past featured blogs under the "blog of the month" label! Being my blog of the month gets you a designated blog post, a sidebar button, and a mention on my Twitter account. The sidebar button stays up all month long. I don't believe in necessarily making bloggers pay for advertising and I'd much rather show you blogs that I really enjoy reading. And I hope you end up enjoying them too!
This month, I've chosen Eithne from
Tea & Nail Polish. I featured her many moons ago and she's still blogging and going strong! Her blog is exactly what the name implies - tea and nail polish! Eithne does some great swatches and reviews of polish brands, including indie labels. There's a few makeup posts thrown in for good measure, but you're for sure walking away with a wishlist of polishes and teas to try. Like look at this year's version of Monster Mash in her recent post about
DAVIDsTEA's Halloween collection! Hope you visit Eithne's blog and let her know I sent you, if you'd like!
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