I'm highlighting quite a bit of essential and carrier oils lately and I'm not mad about it. There's so many and they all have a myriad of uses! I have actually touched on tea tree oil before and it was actually a Thursday Plantation one so we're coming around full circle. I've started including the tag "oils" to help you in your search, if you're interested in learning more about the oils that I have tried so far.
Having only tried Thursday Plantation oils, I actually did not realize that they offered a skincare range. While I don't have many breakouts, I always grab for tea tree oil when I feel one coming. Especially during "that time of the month". It's perfect for acne-prone skin, if you're still looking for a remedy! My husband breaks out easily, so this is a line that I put on the vanity and didn't call off limits if he wanted to try it. Here's what I have been trying the past few weeks from Thursday Plantation's tea tree skincare line!
Tea tree works great at getting dirt and oil out of pores. Makeup doesn't stand a chance with this foam! This is the first step of the cleansing process or second if you want to use the wipes, I'd say. I thought I'd experience some drying with this, but my skin was perfectly fine in that regard. It foams really nicely and my skin feels very clean afterward. My husband approves of this one and it can be like pulling teeth to get him to focus on skincare. Anyone else relate? Ha!
Tea Tree and Witch Hazel Toner
After the foam, the toner is the next step. Yessss to the witch hazel addition! I do find witch hazel to be a bit drying, but it's usually fine after adding a face cream or serum. Witch hazel tightens pores and skin and also helps calm irritated skin. I wasn't one that was much for toners, but I've recently been adding them to my routine...when I remember. It's hard adding a new step at first, just ask my jade roller that I have to slap on top of my creams just so I'll remember to use it! The aloe vera in this is also a nice added touch. This helps remove any makeup and impurities that the cleanser might have missed.
Tea Tree Face Wipes
I'm trying to get away from using face wipes. While these are natural and bio-degradable, I still get icky feelings after watching that face wipe video that made the rounds on Twitter. Also, I'm really good at being lazy and skipping steps. And sometimes I just want to stop at the wipes step and go on with my day or night. That's not good. They can be an addition to your routine, but it should not be your routine. These are your average face wipe that just also offer tea tree to help further. My husband likes these after coming home from his evening commute as a pick-me-up!
Tea Tree Face Cream
Step 3 after the foam cleanser and toner or just whenever you need a touch of moisture. This is my favorite of the line! With added rosehip oil and shea butter, this is still far more moisturizing than I expected it to be. I love a good dose of shea butter! If your skin is feeling dry after the cleanser and toner, this is a great little product to combat it and you're still getting the benefit of the tea tree oil.
Tea Tree Medicated Gel
I've been a fan of tea tree spot treatments for years now. I've recommended them to numerous people! Even if you only get a handful of spots a year, these can be your best friend. Not just for pimples, but also for whiteheads and blackheads! This is meant to dry them out and it works fast and like a charm. A little goes a long way. I just dab some on with a Q-Tip and let it work its magic. After the face cream, I'd say this comes in a very close second place for me.
Sometimes I find tea tree oil to be very drying on my skin, but I don't feel that way after using this line. They all seem to work well together at creating a nice balance and I can imagine it would be even greater for those of you with oily/combination skin. These all smell a tad medicinal, but tea tree oil smells like that so that is not a surprise. I prefer it that way! Plus if you are acne-prone, I'm sure it's preferred to have it more in pure form. The smell isn't horrible (it's actually rather fresh) and it doesn't last on the skin.
You can find Thursday Plantation online and if you're in Canada, here's where you can buy them in stores. Have you tried anything from them yet? Are you a fan of tea tree oil? I would love to hear your thoughts. I hope you have a great weekend!

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