I have not done a proper "currently loving" post in a good while, meaning favorites outside of my monthly beauty and skincare ones that I share. So I thought this would be a great time to share and recommend some things I've really been loving recently and I would absolutely love for you to do the same!
Home Decor
I've been adding a few things here and there, but I'm in love with these throw pillows that my MIL made for us. If you didn't know, my MIL and I run a craft business called Warm & Fuzzy Knits. While we mainly focus on baby and child items, she's darn capable of just about anything. I do the photos, editing, and social media.
Ariana's"break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored" and Little Mix's "Think About Us" are on constant replay on my Spotify. I do plan to share a spring playlist in the next while, but these two songs are fire.
Specifically the tunic ones at Old Navy, like the one above. I talked about them in my recent Old Navy haul and on my Instagram Story. Throw on some leggings and you've got an instant outfit. Also, I barely use Snapchat anymore but you better believe I still get on to play with their filters. They still have the best ones...and the weirdest ones.
Purging, Organizing, and All of the Above
I've been on a big purging kick. I have been going through my makeup drawers and organizing them. I cleared out two drawers and that was really satisfying. Though I think the most satisfying has been cleaning out my closet and trying everything on. Seeing empty hangers just feels good. There's so many clothes I've been hanging onto that just don't fit me the same or my tastes have simply changed. I'm hanging on to those that I really love or the ones that have sentimental value. They "spark joy", if you will. I'm still working on it, but it is great walking in and knowing that I will reach for anything at any given time and like how it looks. I do have a few "maybes" left, but I'm giving myself until my next closet cleanout to see if they get worn or not. Pantry and linen closet got the treatment, as well. I go around opening the doors just to "ooh" and "aah" over them, because I'm that person.
Horizontal Planning
After a year and a half of trying vertical, I've gone back to horizontal. Well, that's sorta true. I do still have a vertical planner that holds my notes on health, budget, and faith. It's so nice to be back in horizontal, because my brain and eyes just process it better. Being a white space planner, I don't feel as obligated to focus on the decorations. I absolutely love decorating, but I was forgetting to make my planner more productive over just being simply pretty. I need that balance of both and I just reach said balance better with horizontal. The vertical is working fine for my other planner, so I still get to enjoy both and play around. Are you more attracted to horizontal or vertical?
I've been on a real romance kick lately. I personally enjoy the genre and I like to use it and recipe books as palate cleansers between other genres. And with that said, I've read two great romance novels recently. Fixed On You by Laurelin Page and Beautiful Mistake by Vi Keeland. Fixed On You is a series and I'm on the wait list for the second one. Beautiful Mistake is a one-off story. Outside of romance, I also recently enjoyed The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware and New Year, Same Trash: Resolutions I Absolutely Did Not Keep by Samantha Irby. If you want to follow along on each other's reading journeys, I have a Goodreads account that I'm on quite often.
And so concludes 6 of my current favorites! If I can keep up with this, I might try to make this a monthly series on any given Friday just to touch on things not covered in my other monthly favorites. Again, I'd love to know any of your lifestyle recommendations or if we have any of the above in common. Hope you all have a great weekend!

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