I just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a wonderful holiday! I have another couple of posts on automatic scheduling and I'll be back in the new year with more posts. I'm enjoying a holiday break with my husband before the regular routine comes back and hits us in the face. :) Netflix, Spotify, and probably a few too many treats are filling a good part of our days until then.
I hope you're having an amazing Christmas Day. Hard to believe it is already here and we're
thisclose to a new year again! May 2019 make up for all of the lows of 2018 and build on the highs! I'm going to keep this short and sweet, because I'm sure you're spending time with your family and whatnot. That's what I'm doing as this post goes live. We're at my SIL/BIL's house for the family dinner and gift exchange, before coming home where I will force at least one or two more holiday specials down my husband's throat while I still can. Haha!
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