I wanted to get this post up yesterday, but I couldn't bring myself to do much of anything. My uncle Bob was battling cancer and earlier this summer the doctors gave him up to a year. That year wasn't meant to be as he passed away a few days ago. My heart is heavy with emotions and memories.
I spent weeks of my summers at my aunt and uncle's home in Chattanooga, TN. I'd get their house to myself sometimes during the day and get quality time with them when they got home from their restaurant(s). Sometimes I'd go with them and get to help in the kitchen or take drinks to the tables, my first dose of having a job. I would wake up super early in the morning and watch Bob swim laps in the pool and wait until the evening when he'd get home to watch shows like La Femme Nikita (the original) with him. And he'd joke about how I was the only one who could load the dishwasher right besides himself. I made my first meal by myself for Bob and I'm sure it was horrible, but he ate it like it was the most delicious spaghetti and garlic bread he'd ever had.
So many wonderful memories I could share from before those summers, during, and beyond. My childhood wasn't easy, but I forgot all of it when I was with my aunt Debbie and uncle Bob. I hope that the young brother and sister that they have adopted feel the same way. It's like Debbie and Bob could make the outside world melt away and take you to a place where only laughter and sunshine existed. A magic power that few have, I'm certain of it!
I got so lucky in the uncle department and anyone who knew Bob loved him. It was impossible not to! So as my tears flow while writing this, I can't help but be grateful for every memory, every amazing bear hug, every ounce of love,and just every little detail. And at the same time, I'm just so mad at cancer.
I want to talk on Twitter, Instagram, etc., but I'm finding it hard to get motivated right now. I'm still posting, but my interaction is slacking. I'm so sorry. I'll get back to it soon and get caught up with all of you. I just need a little time to get the tears out.
Here are a few snippets from my Instagram last month! As always, I'd love if we followed each other. Hope you are having a great week!

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