Some of these posts I'm just really proud of and want to share again and some were the ones with the most views. I just want to thank you for reading my blog and making these last ten years feel like I'm not always just talking to myself. Which I happen to do...a lot...on a daily basis. 2017 on a general basis kind of sucked, but it was pretty darn good here on the blog.
I also thought about doing a 2018 Goals post and I might do it. Not sure yet, because goals can sometimes feel so personal. And Lord knows I've been judged on mine before, which is not something I am okay with. Get out there, make your goals, and try your best to reach them. Even if they are silly. Even if they are a long shot. Just TRY and you're already doing something that not everyone else bothers to do. I'm rooting for you!
I'm excited to see where 2018 takes me, my blog, and YOU. I still have two more 2017 posts coming: What I Got for Christmas and Favorite Products of 2017. And then, I can focus solely on 2018! Now let's jump in and see a few posts from Fashionable Heart in the last year. :)
I hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane. This certainly isn't all of my posts, so take a look through the archives at what you might have missed if you're looking for some more reading material. Here's to 2018!

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