This is getting out a little later in the month than usual, but I've just been busy. First off, thank you all so much for the messages across my social media pages congratulating me on hitting 10 years! I saw Lady Gaga that night and she was fabulous as usual. It was my first concert since my knee injury (not my first event, though) and I survived. I did tweak my knee and have been sore since, but it was worth it. I'm so grateful that I was able to get accessible seating and go, because I still can't bend my knee enough to sit in the regular seats. Learned that the hard way at a Maple Leafs game. And though I don't rely on it daily anymore, I am very happy that I took my cane with me because I was worn the heck out by the time we got back to our vehicle!
I'll probably delve more into Gaga on a later post. This post is about Instagram and here are a few highlights from my account during August! I do follow legit accounts back and love getting to know you all more on there. :)

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