I had a different blog post in mind, but the weather has not been cooperating for photographs lately (#bloggerproblems). I thought I might do another random facts post, seeing as my first one was back in 2014. My second one is here (which I totally forgot about and am editing in days after this post- oops!). Again, I don't like to get too personal on here as I enjoy a private life. I hope you enjoy getting to know me a little more and if you want to do a post like this, link me to it so I can learn more about you!
2. I suffered a Tibial Plateau Fracture during the summer of 2015. Since then, I still cannot bend or straighten my left leg properly and I am still learning how to walk again. I went from wheelchair, walker, to cane, to now finally on my own two feet. Long amounts of walking and standing still bother me a great deal, but I'm working on it! My two year anniversary is coming up and I am really proud to be in a better place than I was even a year ago.
3. I was an extra in a crowd scene at a hockey game in the Russell Peters movie Breakaway and I was also an extra in the music video for Aaron Tippin's There Ain't Nothin' Wrong With the Radio. And it was take after take after take...It's fun to say I did it, though. I was also once on a local children's show back home and on the news a few times. How am I not famous yet? I kid!
4. I have anxiety issues along with mild OCD and depression. I have good and bad days and I will always be open about it, because I believe we need to drop the stigma associated with mental health.
5. I also believe we should drop the stigma around infertility. It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but it is okay if you do as well. It took me a long time to get to the point where I can talk about it. It hits everyone differently. And as always, if you suffer from any of the aforementioned issues, please feel free to contact me. I'm always ALWAYS willing to talk and listen to you.
6. I love to cook and bake. I'm always trying new recipes and my recipe folder is always growing on Pinterest. I sometimes share recipes on here, but I haven't in a good while. I'll try to rectify that soon and maybe share some summer recipes later on!
7. In my life, I've had two main recurring dreams. One was from my childhood where a giant ape was chasing me. And the other is still recurring in that I'm marrying George Clooney (I'm sooooo okay with that dream- keep it coming)! Gotta say I'm pretty happy to no longer be chased by an ape.
8. My favorite Disney princess is Belle and that is partly due to the castle's library she gets to enjoy. So many books. *insert heart eye emoji here*
9. I have had an obsession with planners since sixth grade and it has only grown. I've been doodling, using loads of stickers, and using them almost as journals since before it all became the big thing that it is now. Did I start the craze? I'm not saying yes, but I'm not saying no either. I'll pretend the answer is a yes. And you're welcome. ;)
10. What to share for the last fact in this post? Well, I'm an avid believer in ghosts and spirits. I don't know many people from the south who aren't, because we are among some of the most haunted places. I saw my first spirit when I was close to five. My aunt and I were both sitting in the living room when we looked up and both saw my recently departed great grandma look in on us and continue walking down the hall. I'll never forget that moment. I saw a few after that. I haven't seen any as I have gotten older, but I sometimes get a feeling like my hair stands up on my arms or my emotions kick into overdrive. I think it is all fascinating! I could spend all day watching the ghost hunting shows on TV and I love going on ghost walks and tours. It's okay if you think that sounds crazy!
And there we have it, ten more facts about me! If you relate to any of these, let me know! Thanks for putting up with my absence this past week while I was on a staycation. It was so nice to drop everything for a few days! I hope you all have a great weekend.

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