Currently watching: Rachael Ray Show
Currently dreaming: of the beach
Currently feeling: nervous
I would have loved it if this product would have lived up to the brand. Unfortunately after a week of using this product, my skin has been anything but clean and clear. I do have very sensitive skin, but it's not prone to breakouts. I actually rarely breakout, but this made my face red, irritated, and a few bumps showed up. I was also really hoping that the "glow" that it gives would be something like what Benefit's High Beam does. Sadly, the glow is nothing more than glitter in the formula.
I can't even say that my dry skin really went away. After reading a few other reviews, many complained about the glitter bothering them and the formula making their skin burn. If you don't have overly sensitive and/or dry skin, maybe this will work for you. I, on the other hand, will continue on my quest to find a decent moisturizer. I am open to suggestions!