Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday Blahs...

Currently listening: Long Shot by Kelly Clarkson
Currently reading: Breaking Dawn...still
Currently feeling: annoyed

Ok, so I made that post about Ikea tins that I bought the other day. The sizes and prices were perfect, but I decided the neon colors were not going to work with the decor that I am looking for. I'm wanting a soft pink and flowery bathroom and I need it all to tie in together. Therefore I did something that I have been doing since college. It's great idea if you want to change something you have instead of buying something new. I'm all about recycling and reusing!

I take a tin or a canister and measure it. Then, I find some really pretty wrapping paper and cut out the right size. You can use glue or tape to paste the paper on the canisters. In college, I'd have an empty Pringles can or something like that and cover it up like this. It made for a great container to hold my loose colored pencils. :)

To give you an idea, here is a before and after shot of my bathroom counter. Click on pictures to go to my Flickr for bigger images, if you'd like. :)

Bathroom Sink Organization
Bathroom Counter

Sink Redone

And just for fun, here is my everyday makeup collection:



Joanna said...

It looks really pretty!

flap jack said...

im lovin the tins

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