For my Advent calendar this year, I went with THEFACESHOP's offering. In years past, I have had Benefit and The Body Shop. Both of those are brands that I had tried before, but I went into this one blindly. I wanted to be introduced to a brand I hadn't tried. I picked mine up in store and it was on as the store special at 40% off and came with a Christmas tree reed diffuser and tote with purchase. Couldn't pass up that offer!
My only problem? They packaged mine horrible! I opened up day 1 to find the apple mask, when it was actually meant for day 3. Turns out it had not only been packaged upside down on both sides, but also the opposite sides. So I had to open the calendar, take out the left side, flip it right side up, and put it into the right side and do the same to the right side. I did my best to avoid seeing too much, because I like the little daily surprise. I was not happy about that, but at least everything was intact.
Day 1: Cherry Blossom Hand Cream
Day 2: Trendy Nails in PK03
Day 3: Sparkling Apple face mask - Funny story about this! This dialogue with my husband actually happened...

Day 4: Pencil Sharpener
Day 5: Blackhead Out Nose Strip
Day 6: Black Yeast Peel-Off Mask
Day 7: Style My Eyebrow Pencil
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